Data production today reproduces biased and stereotypical views of girls and women due to social and cultural factors. Recently, many scholars, cyberfeminists and even institutions are claiming new perspectives in Data Collection and Data processing. The first of the problems we need to solve is about how are we gathering and aggregating data. Who is asking? What is the purpose? What social inequality is the data source trying to find? What is the data design system doing to avoid bias? This are legitimate questions that are somehow making visible that, data and stats can in fact lead to false conclusions, illusionary certainties and bias the focus of what is at the core of an issue. This is one of the central issues of the gender data gap which is why we want to explore it in more detail, as Women in Economics state.
DataFeminism is the new subject that allows us to create new ways of collecting data taking into account new perspectives, as well as to determinate what designing data systems should take into account. Part of the feminist technology movement is beginning to make an effort in data production and in the creation of data infrastructures that enhance this type of data.
This is what we wrote at Pikara Magazine, a feminist magazine. Have a nice read!