What is a Women Centric Indicator?
What is a Women Centric Indicator?
This is just a blog post that would require an entire essay, or even a book. In the near future we might go for it :), but menawhile we would like to comment the importance of this indicator, that the Web Foundation started to use and standarize a whille ago, at least when it is refered to calculate the gender digital divide.
The Web Foundation launched a new way to calcuate the digital gender divide, concrretly in the gender divide in the access to internet, and encourages to the ones intereseted in gender data, to use the indicator. The point is that they calculated the gender divide in the internet access, and the results using this indicator are sharply impressive. To the question of how many men and how many women are online, the approach to answer the following question was how many more women need to come online in order to reach gender parity.
To answer the question, they appllied the following formula:
[(% of men using the internet – % of women using the internet) / % of women using the internet]
Using this women-centered perspective can help to understand how many more women, need to come online, in order to reach gender parit as well as putting the focus on the disparity and disadvantages faced by women. Check out the different
In the following months we hope to organize a meeting with Carlos Iglesias, Senior Reseacher working at WWF, and enjoy & learn from his experience
Read full article at the Web Foundation