We are happy to share with you the video session in which we learned a lot talking and debating how gender data collection methodologies can lead to powerful impactul tools to understand how much present is gender violence in Buenos Aires, Criminal Court Num 10, where its data processing software has detected gender violence in 40% of all court cases. Ivana and Yasmin, both DataGenero collective members, have archieved. This exactly means they are ready to go to the next step: and train an algorithm. to help us understand the phenomenon of GBV, its subtypes and their contexts? What happens with the less visible types of violence, such as the psychological or the economical? How often do this types of violence appear? What is its intensity? How is the agressor? Has he been accused or condemned? An extraoridany source of information, of data that will help de judicial system (and society, due to the openness of datasets) to provide relevant answers about the GBV by means of feminist algorithms.. We think this is a good case study to follow. And you can find more information about the project here.
On the other side, it is important to visualize with a real life example, how not always an AI solution plays a positive role replacing humans in decision making. An analysis on how automatetd processes operate in the Vasque Coutry in Spain, once a GBV complaint is prestented in a police station is also an interesting and urgent situation to analyze. Ana Valdivia, an active activist and brilliant researcher focused on Data Science, presented her last research paper analyzing the role of the police algorithm used to determminate if a women “is or is not under an dangerous and urgent situation, deserving special attention or limiting his partner or ex partner closeness. The process has been developed to provide a judge a statement based on this algorithmic approach that after testing with a judge, they concluded that there wwere more faulse negatives than real positives, and thus, challennging the existence and power of this tool. You can find the paper here.
Watch out the video here