We are happy to share that the authors of State of Open Data, Tim Davies, Stephen B. Walker, Mor Rubinstein, and Fernando Perini are reviewing book, 4 years after its first edition was launched. State of OpenData explores 16 different sectors and communities where open data has been applied and 7 cross-cutting issues that shape the current state of open data.
One of the transversal topics is Gender. As the book states, at the start of this decade, it would not have been uncommon to attend major open data events and experience all-male panels or to observe that very few women were attending, let alone participating as speakers. Gender was rarely, if ever, discussed as a topic at these events. However, over the last few years, gender awareness and discussions of gender issues have become more central to the agenda of forums, conferences, workshops, and sessions around the world.
Gender as a topic, has moved from “invisibilzed to awareness”, aspect which we absolutely agree about. When it comes to data, focus questions of how Gender Data is created and shaped, and, in particular, how women and issues affecting women’s lives are represented in the data upon which decisions may be based has become crucial.
Interesting conclusions to share, with the OpenData & Gender Data community.
Please download the book and enjoy the reading or if you prefer, visit the website